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Phortse Village

The Phortse Grid Extension Project aims to bring electricity to the village. As Phortse is in a National Park the village community is not allowed to cut firewood placing a strain on fuel recourses. In December, 1997 the community requested Papa Tony for help to acquire electricity.

Consideration was given to various kinds of power for generating electricity including solar power, which one or two lodges had. Hydro power was accepted the best solution for the village, and being in such an isolated position a micro hydro scheme was considered.

Water from the Konar river was the source of the water to generator the micro hydro plant. In 1998, Martin Posch, a Austrian surveyor was engaged to survey the land for the scheme. But, after taking readings of the water flow over a period of one year it was decided to abandon the scheme as not being economically viable. There was insufficient flow of water at certain times of the year. The other problem with the village having its own plant was that the machinery would need to be regularly serviced, which was quite a worry.

In August, 1999 the Khumjung Bijuli Company, KBC, offered to supply electricity from the power station at Thamo. Although, KBC run the power station they do so under the management of a Users Committee made up of representatives from various villages receiving electricity. KBC, although having the expertise with qualified engineers to carry out such a scheme, do not have any financial recourses to fund further expansion. That was down to Papa Tony under the Phortse Community Project.

Again Martin Posch was engaged to carry out a land survey between Khumjung and Phortse taking into account spanning the ravine and Dudh Koshi River. It is interesting to record that Martin was the contracted surveyor when the power Station was built at Thamo and naturally familiar with the terrain. Engineers from KBC carried out a low level voltage and demand survey and an application for the project was put to the Chief Warden of the Sagarmatha National Park for permission. The Phortse Grid Extension Project was born. The Department of Nation Parks agreed that an Initial Environmental Evaluation, IEE, report was necessary. Unfortunately the report took some considerable time to prepare. But, in August 2002 the report, supporting the project, was submitted for approval to the Nepalese Government, Ministry of Water Recourses.

As the 11kv power line went through or adjacent to four smaller hamlets on the way to Phortse it was agreed to also offer electricity to those villages. The estimated cost in February, 2001 for the whole project was NR1198232.15. In view of the high cost of the project it has been decided to split the project into two phases:

Phase one – Supply electricity to the three hamlets of Sanasa, Kangzuma and Lawaisasa.
Phase two – Span the Dudh Koshi and supply electricity to Phortse.

The village people have agree to put money into the project, but as most are very poor their main contribution will be to freely supply their labour and support the Nepalese Engineers. Financially, with the help of the Sherpa community and Eco Himal the Phortse Community Project is in a position to carry out phase one. Over the next two years it will be necessary to raise the rest of the money to complete the project.

Should you wish to contribute to the project please send a cheque to: The Phortse Community Project, c/o Tony Freake, Namaste, 36 Holyrood Road, New Barnet, Herts., EN5 1DG, England.

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